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Archive of General Sir Archibald Hunter GCB GCVO DSO TD LLD
at the King's Own Royal Regiment Museum, Lancaster.

Vote of Thanks from Both Houses of Parliament

Hunter was congratulated by both Houses of Parliament for his part in the campaign in the Sudan.  Also included is a personal appreciate from Lord Kitchener to Hunter.

Vote of Thanks from the House of Lords
Accession Number: KO0512/29

Vote of Thanks from the House of Commons
Accession Number: KO0512/30

Letter from Kitchener of Khartoum to General Sir Archibald Hunter, 17 Jul 1899.
17 Belgrave Square SW
17 Jul 1899
My dear Hunter,
I have been requested by the Lord Chancellor to inform you that a vote of thanks of the House of Lords was passed to you in that house on the 8th inst. without a dissentient voice, and by the Speaker of the House of commons to forward you the enclosed copy of the vote of thanks passed in that House.
I have notified to the Lord Chancellor and to the Speaker our high appreciation of the honour done us.
I need not say with what great satisfaction I am able to communicate the above result of you indefatigable work and able cooperation you afforded me during the Campaign.
Yours very truly
Kitchener of Khartoum.
Accession Number: KO0512/30 b

Letter from Mr Henry Graham to General Sir Archibald Hunter, 10 Aug 1899.
House of Lords
10th August 1899
I have the honour to transmit to you an authenticated transcript on Vellum of the Resolutions of the House of Lords on the 8th of June last, placed in an appropriate cover, believing that it might be satisfactory to you to deposit this document, so honourable to yourself, among your family papers.
I have the honour to be,
Your Obedient Servant
Henry Graham
Accession Number: KO0512/30 c


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