King's Own Royal Regiment Museum


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© Images are copyright, Trustees of the King's Own Royal Regiment Museum.
 You must seek permission prior to publication of any of our images.

Photo Gallery

Springfield Barracks of the Royal Lancashire Militia


The 1st Royal Lancashire Militia (The Duke of Lancaster's Own) outside Springfield Barracks, Lancaster.  The building still survives today, but no longer as a barracks and can be seen from the main A6 from at the south of the one way system.  The photograph dates from around 1860.
Accession Number: KO2590/101

Enlargement of the above image.
Accession Number: KO2590/101a

Soldiers of the 1st Royal Lancashire Militia circa 1860.
Accession Number: KO2590/101b

Depot staff of the 1st Royal Lancashire Militia (The Duke of Lancaster's Own) outside Springfield Barracks, Lancaster circa 1875.  'Permanent' militia depot staff were often time expired regular soldiers.
Accession Number: KO0029/01

Front Elevation of Springfield Barracks, Lancaster.

Ground floor plan of Springfield Barracks, Lancaster.

First Floor Plan, Springfield Barracks, Lancaster.
Note the extension from the main building at both ends - this was a defensive position which has since been removed, the photograph below shows the building work taking place to remove these positions.

Alterations taking place to the north of Springfield Barracks, after being vacated by the Royal Lancashire Militia and the removal of the building's defences.
Accession Number: LMNeg2475

© Images are copyright, Trustees of the King's Own Royal Regiment Museum.
 You must seek permission prior to publication of any of our images.

Only a proportion of our collections are on display at anyone time.  Certain items are on loan for display in other institutions.  An appointment is required to consult any of our collections which are held in store.

© 2013 Trustees of the King's Own Royal Regiment Museum