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Corporation of Lancaster Council Meeting Minutes

During the First World War Lancaster Corporation had to discuss and agree many matters relating to the First World War and it's impact on the Borough.  These are extracts of relevant information from the Corporation's Minute Books.

Extracts from Minutes November 1917 - October 1918


Special Committee Re Enlistments and Allowances to Dependants - 15th November 1917

Resolved – That an Allowance of three-eighth’s salary be paid in respect of Mr Frank Hill (Clerk, Borough Treasurer’s Department), during his absence on Military Service.

Special Cases – Teacher
The Committee considered the question as to dealing with the case of Mr J Ewan who, through illness contracted whilst on Service, has been discharged from the Army on the 14th June 1916; Mr Ewan, on account of continued ill-health, having since been obliged to resign his appointment under the Education Committee.

Resolved – That the Education Committee be recommended to pay Mr. Ewan full salary from the date of his discharge from the Army up to the end of September 1917, less the three-eighth’s allowance of Salary already paid to him during that period.

Deaths on Service
It was reported that the full allowance, 26 weeks, had been paid in respect of the following
2nd Lieutenant Wilfred Brash (Teacher)
Mr Frank Tomlinson (Caretaker, Greaves School)

Resolved – That, in the following cases, the allowance be continued to the Dependents for those periods specified:-
2nd Lieutenant Richard Irving (Teacher), a second period of 13 weeks after the death.
2nd Lieutenant Pinch (Teacher), 13 weeks after the death.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 19th November 1917

Giant Axe Field
The draft agreement with the National Projectile Factory Lancaster Athletic Club, with respect to the above, was submitted and left in the hands of the Chairman, with a view to his dealing therewith.

Town Hall Committee - 19th November 1917

Ashton Hall – Lettings
The Committee considered the following applications for the use of the Ashton Hall and the Parade Rooms:-
Messrs Gillows, Whist Drive and Dance in aid of their won Soldiers’ Fund and the Prisoners of War Fund, 7th December (half fee).
Lancashire Volunteer Regiment, Whist Drive and Dance, in aid of the Mayoress’ Comforts Fund and Prisoner of War Fund (free of cost).

Resolved – That the applications be granted as specific.

Gas Committee - 19th November 1917

Charges for Gas
Read letter from the Army Service Corps, asking for a reduction in the price of Gas supplied to them.
Resolved – That they be informed that, in justice to other consumers, the price of Gas supplied to them cannot be reduced.

Letter of Thanks
Read letter of thanks from the men at the works thanking the Committee for the slight acknowledgement received arising out of the explosion on the 1st October.

Electricity Committee - 20th November 1917

Military Cross
A letter was read from Captain Milnes thanking the Committee for their congratulations on his military distinction.

Lighting Committee - 21st November 1917

Lighting – Caton Road
Read letter from the Caton Engineering Company giving permission to affix brackets to the wall of their premises in Caton Road.

Properties Committee - 21st November 1917

A letter was read from the OC A Coy 13th Battalion, Lancashire Volunteer Regiment returning thanks for the use of the premises at King Street.

Storey Institute Committee - 21st November 1917

Allied War Photographs – Exhibition
A report of the result of the Exhibition of the Allied War Pictures was submitted shewing that the nett proceeds were £40.
Resolved That the whole proceeds be handed over to the Mayoress’ Comforts Fund.

Streets Committee - 27th November 1917

The Committee considered a plan submitted by Vickers Ltd. (Caton Road), shewing alterations to existing buildings, with a view to providing Male and Females Lavatories.
Resolved – That the plan be approved, subject to the work being carried out to the satisfaction of the Acting Surveyor.

Watch Committee - 7th December 1917

War Charities Act 1916

An application was submitted for registration under the above Act for the Mayor of Lancaster’s Belgian Local Relief Fund.
Resolved – That the charity be registered.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 10th December 1917

Giant Axe Field
The Chairman reported as to the Agreement with the National Projectile Factory.
Resolved – That the Town Clerk apply for the outstanding rent.

Town Hall Committee - December 1917

Ashton Hall – Lettings

The Committee considered the following applications for the use of the Ashton Hall :-
National Projectile Factory Limited, Workers’ Hospital Committee, Concert, 9th January 1918, in aid of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Free Buffet, Preston.
JW Aldous, Concert, end of February 1918, in aid of Prisoners of War Fund.

Resolved – That the use of Ashton Hall be granted to the above applicants, on the dates named, free of charge, subject to the entire proceeds being handed over to the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Free Buffet, Preston and the Prisoners of War Fund, respectively.

Storey Institute Committee - 12th December 1917

War Museums
Read letter from the Local War Museums Association asking this Committee to become a Member of the Association.
Resolved – That the Chairman be appointed the Local Member of the Association; the fee payable in respect to such appointment being £2 2s 0d.

Tramways Committee - 19th December 1917

The Chairman reported as to an interview which he, with the Mayor, had with the Representative of the Ministry of Munitions at the Projectile Factory, who had pressed upon them the urgency of providing Motor Buses as soon as possible; the Ministry’s Representative undertaking to do all in his power to facilitate the provision and use of such Buses.

Resolved – That providing the necessary finance and other arrangements can be made, further Motor Buses be obtained with a view to increasing the number to twelve.
That the question as to obtaining such Buses be referred to the Motor Bus Sub-Committee.

7th January 1918

Motor Buses
Arising out of the above Minute, a letter was read from the Representative of the Ministry of Munitions at the Projectile Factory, forwarding copy of a letter he had received from the Clerk to the County Council, with respect to the running of further Omnibuses by the Corporation in the Borough.

The provisions of the Agreement with the County Council, with respect to Main Roads, were stated, from which it appeared that the number of Motor Buses traversing the Main Road in the Borough should not exceed five in number.

Resolved – That applicant be made to the County Council for the increase of the number five, to twelve, the Mayor and Alderman Preston being authorised to interview the County Authorities upon the Subject.

Watch Committee - 18th January 1918

Fire Syren, Etc.
The Chief Constable reported as to the arrangements made for giving the alarm in case of a daylight raid by ten short, sharp blasts on the Fire Syren.

The Chief Officer read correspondence with the Assessors arising out of the fire at White Lund on the 1st October 1917.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 21st January 1917

Giant Axe Field
It was reported that the National Projectile Factory Football Club had now paid the rent for the Season 1917-1918.

Baths Manager
It was reported that the Baths Manager had gone on Military Service.

Town Hall Committee - 21st January 1918

Ashton Hall – Letting
The Committee considered an application for the use of the Ashton Hall, on behalf of the Sergeants’ Mess for a Concert, on Wednesday 6th February, in aid of the Prisoners of War Fund.
Resolved – That the necessary permission be granted (free of cost), subject to the entire (gross) proceeds being handed over to the above named fund.

Gas Committee - 21st January 1918

Payment – High Pressure Main
National Projectile Factory

The Chairman reported with regard to an interview with Captain Walker, of the Ministry of Munitions, with respect to payment for the High Pressure Main and Plant; also with regard to the price of Gas.
Resolved – That the Committee approve of such action, providing it meets with the sanction of the Ministry of Munitions.

Tramway Committee - 22nd January 1918

Additional Motor Buses

Read letter from Sir Harcourt E Clare, stating that the Main Roads and Bridges Committee of the County Council was prepared to recommend that Council to enter into an Agreement with the Corporation to amend the existing Agreement so as to enable to the Corporation, during such time as the Ministry of Munitions may require, to provide twelve Motor Buses instead of six; ten only to be used during a period of 24 hours.

Town Hall Committee - 18th February 1918

Use of Town Hall
Correspondence was submitted from Colonel Kyffin Taylor, Director of National Service, and Mr A Bullock, HM Office of Works, asking for the use of Ashton Hall and Parade Room for National Service Work.
Resolved that Colonel Kyffin Taylor and Colonel Lewis be invited to meet this Committee on Thursday next at four o’clock.

Ashton Hall – Lettings
Permission was granted for the use of the Ashton Hall for an Address by Sir A Griffith Boscawen (Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Pensions) to Discharged Sailors and Soldiers, on the afternoon of 23rd February.

Town Hall Committee - 21st February 1918

Arising out of Minute No. 594, Colonel Lewis attended and submitted particulars with respect to the accommodation required by the National Service Department and, after fully discussing the proposals, Colonel Lewis agreed to inspect other premises in the town.

Baths and Recreation Ground Committee - 18th March 1918

Giant Axe Field
The Chairman reported that he had granted the use of the Giant Axe Field on 2nd March (free of charge) to the Ladies’ Football Club, National Projectile Factory; the action taken being approved.

Properties Committee -  20th March 1918

Collection of Birds
A letter was read with respect to a claim made against the Military Authorities by Mr W H Robinson for alleged damage to a collection of birds at the Old Town Hall.

Resolved – That, as already intimated to Mr Robinson, this Committee can accept no liability in the matter.

Finance and Parliamentary Committee -  22nd March 1918

Ministry of Munitions
A letter was read from the Ministry of Munitions, stating that it no longer appeared necessary for an Officer of the Ministry to attend regularly at Lancaster in connection with inquiries concerning claims arising out of the explosion on the 1st October 1917. The letter also expressed thanks for the provision of office accommodation for the Officer referred to, which had proved of material benefit both to the claimants and the Ministry.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 22nd April 1918

Giant Axe Field
The Chairman reported that the he had allowed the Projectile Factory Football Club to use the Giant Axe Field on Saturdays 13th and 27th April, on payment of £1 for each occasion; the action taken being approved.

Giant Axe Field – Letting
Resolved - That the use of the Giant Axe Field be granted to the 1st Cadet Battalion, King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, on Tuesday and Friday evenings during the summer months on the same terms as last year, subject to such letting not interfering with any other letters of the Field.

Town Hall Committee  - 27th March 1918

Ashton Hall Lettings
The Committee considered an application on behalf of the Projectile Factory Club for the use of the Ashton Hall, for a Concert on 11th May, in aid of the Funds for Prisoners of War and Invalid Children’s Association.

Resolved – That the necessary permission be granted (free of charge), subject to the entire (gross) proceeds being handed over to the above named funds.

Gas Committee - 25th April 1918

Additional Meter – National Projectile Factory

The Engineer submitted a report with respect to the above, and it was
Resolved – That an additional meter be purchased and fixed at the National Projectile Factory, on condition that a satisfactory agreement be entered into on the lines now agreed upon.

Watch Committee - 10th May 1918

King’s Police Medal Award
The Chief Constable reported that a King’s Police Medal had been awarded to Inspector W A Wearing for services in connection with a recent outbreak of fire at a National Factory.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee -  13th May 1918

Baths – Lettings
The Chairman reported lettings of the Baths to Private Clubs as follows:-
Monday 8pm to 9 pm – National Projectile Factory (Girls)

Giant Axe Field – Lettings
It was reported that applications had been received for the use of Cricket Pitches on Giant Axe Field, and had been granted upon the following terms:
National Projectile Cricket Club – Three pitches on the Oval each evening and Saturday afternoons, with the use of the Pavilion, to the end of August, for the sum of £13 10s 0

Tramways Committee - 14th May 1918

Motor Bus Services
The Chairman reported as to an interview with the Representatives of the Ministry of Munitions with respect to the running of Motor Buses to the Caton Road Works at times other than meal ties, and submitted proposals for such service.
Resolved – That the proposals, as now submitted, be approved and adopted.

Meeting of Members of Council in Committee - 29th May 1918

American Soldiers in England
The Mayor submitted correspondence with respect to the entertainment of American Soldiers in England during the periods of convalescence or leave from the Front; a suggestion being made that it might be possible for towns in England to adopt, as visitors, Citizen of the towns of similar name in the United States.

Resolved – That this Council in Committee express sympathy with the objects of the Associations, and that further enquiries be made with respect thereto.

Award of Military Cross – Captain Harold Bell

Resolved – That the Town Clerk be instructed to convey to Mr Councillor and Mrs Bell the heartiest congratulations of this Council in Committee at the honour conferred upon their son (Captain Harold Bell, 5th King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment), by the Award of the Military Cross.

Watch Committee - 14th June 1918

Award of Medal – Fire Brigade
The Chief Constable reported that Fireman – Sergeant R Garth had been awarded the Medal of the Order of the British Empire for services rendered during the War.

Streets Committee - 17th June 1918

New Road – Name
The Mayor reported that the new road from Parliament Street to Caton Road was first publicly used by HM King George V and Queen Mary, on the 16th May, 1917, on the occasion of a visit to the Munition Factories in the Borough, and suggested that the road should be named “Kingsway.”
Resolved- That the suggestion of the Mayor be approved and adopted.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 17th June 1918

Baths – Lettings
Mondays 7.30 to 8.30 a.m. – National Projectile Factory
Friday 8.0 to 9.0 p.m. – National Projectile Factory

Application – Use of Giant Axe Field
The Committee considered an application from the National Projectile Club for the use of a portion of the Giant Axe Field for Open-air Concerts on Saturday evenings.
Resolved – That the matter be left in the hands of the Recreation Grounds Sub Committee with power to deal therewith.

Open Air Dance – Giant Axe Field
An application from the National Projectile Factory (Cricket Section) for permission to hold an Open-air Dance on the Giant Axe Field, on Saturday, 29th June, was submitted.
Resolved – That permission be granted, subject to the payment of £1 for the privilege.

Town Hall Committee - 29th May 1918

Prisoners of War Care Committee
Bazaar and Fancy Fair

An application was submitted from the Hon. Secretary of the Finance Committee of the Prisoners of War Care Committee, asking for the use of Ashton Hall and adjoining rooms for a Bazaar and Fancy Fair, during the week commencing 28th October 1918.
Resolved – That the use of the Ashton Hall and the Parade Room be granted free of cost, to the Prisoners of War Care Committee; this not to be considered as a precedent for other lettings.

Finance and Parliamentary Committee - 21st June 1918

American Soldiers in England

Referring to Minute No. 1220, The Town Clerk submitted a further communication from the Major of Worcester with regard to the steps being taken in that town in the mater of entertainment of American Soldiers, whilst convalescent or on leave from France.
Resolved – That the Council be recommended to prepare a scheme in order to offer hospitality to American Soldiers ordinarily resident in Lancaster (Massachusetts), and that the Town Clerk be instructed to make further enquiries with respect to this matter.

Council Meeting - 26th June 1918

Mayor’s Communications

Award of Military Cross – Captain Bell

A letter was read from Mr Councillor Bell thanking the Council for their congratulations re the above.

Presentation of Belgian Medal to the Mayoress

Resolved – That the Town Clerk be instructed to convey to the Mayoress of Lancaster (Mrs Briggs), the heartiest congratulations of this Council at the honour conferred upon her by the awards of the Medaille De La Reien by the King of the Belgians.

Meeting of Members of Council in Committee - 10th July 1918

“Remembrance Day” 4th August

A letter dated 4th July from the Lord Mayor of London with respect to the holding of Commemoration Services on Sunday 4th August, was submitted, asking that a resolution, therein suggested, might be passed at a public gathering of citizens, held on that day.
Resolved – That the Mayor be requested to arrange for the Corporation to attend in State at the Parish Church on such occasion, and that the suggested resolution be submitted to the public from the Town Hall steps, upon returning from such service.

Internment of Enemy Aliens

The Council considered a circular letter with respect to the holding of a public meeting for the purpose of passing resolutions with regard to the internment of enemy aliens, and it was
Resolved – That, pending consideration of the matter by the Government, no action be taken.

Watch Committee - 19th July 1918

St. John Ambulance Nursing Division

The Committee considered an application, on behalf of the above Division, for permission to hold a Fancy Dress Cycle Parade through the Town in aid of the funds of the St. John Hospital, which was recently destroyed by the Germans at Etaples; the same be held on some date in August and to end with a dance on the Giant Axe Field after the competitors have been judged.
Resolved – That permission be granted for far as this Committee is concerned; the question of Giant Axe Field being referred to the Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee.

Recreation Grounds Sub-Committee - 12th July 1918

Use of Giant Axe Field
Pursuant to Minute No 1266 the Sub-Committee considered the following applications for the use of the Giant Axe Field:
1. National Projectile Factory Football Club (Saturday afternoons).
2. Caton Engineering Football Club (Saturday afternoons).

Resolved- That the Town Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Projectile Factory Football Club and the Caton Engineering Football Club with a view to arranging, if possible, for a joint tenancy of the Field by the Clubs in question for Saturday afternoons.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 22nd July 1918

Giant Axe Field – Letting
Resolved – That the application, on behalf of the National Projectile Club, for the use of Giant Axe Field on Saturday evening, 6th September, for the purpose of holding an Open Air Dance, be granted upon payment of £1 for the privilege.

Use of Swimming Baths
It was reported that the use of the Baths had been granted to the National Projectile Factory Swimming Club on Friday evenings, between 6 and 7 o’clock in substitution for 8 and 0 o’clock.

Tramways Committee - 23rd July 1918

Hire of Bus

The Chairman reported during the recent epidemic of influenza at the National Projectile Factory he had granted the sole use of one of the motor buses for the purposes of taking from the Factory workers who were suddenly attacked by the disease.
Resolved – That the action of the Chairman be approved, and that he be authorised to fix the terms with the Superintendent of the Factory.

Marsh, Park and Cemeteries Committee - 23rd July 1918

Wooden Memorials

Referring to Minute No 1312, The Town Clerk submitted a report as to the regulations in force in various other towns with respect to the erection of Wooden Memorials in Cemeteries under their control, from which it appeared that it was the usual practice to allow Wooden Crosses, prepared by the War Department, to be erected over the graves of Soldiers, Sailors or Airmen who had died as a result of the present war.

After carefully considering the matter it was
Resolved – That permission be granted for the erection of wooden crosses by the War Department, over the graves of Soldiers etc, subject to the same being constructed of oiled oak, and being removable by this Committee in the event of them becoming dilapidated through exposure to the weather; the usual fees chargeable in respect of the erection of memorials etc being paid.

Properties Committee - 24th January 1918

Old Town Hall
The Committee considered an application from the Local Branch of the National Association of Discharged Sailors and Soldiers, with respect to the use of the Old Town Hall as Headquarters for their Branch.
A report was submitted as to the present position of the Military Authorities in regard to the Old Town Hall, and it was:
Resolved – That the Town Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Military Authorities, enquiring whether they had ceased their tenancy of these premises, and, if so, asking for the payment of £100, in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
Further Resolved – That the question as to dealing with tenancies of the Old Town Hall, when vacated by the Military Authorities, be left in the hands of the Properties Management Sub Committee, with power to deal.

Meeting of the Council - 31st July 1918

Mayor’s Communications
American Soldiers in England

Referring to Minute No. 1376, The Town Clerk submitted correspondence from the Town Clerk of “Lancaster, Mass.” expressing their appreciation at the thoughtful and friendly action of the Corporation with respect to the entertainment of American soldiers from Lancaster whilst in hospital or on leave, and stating that the necessary steps would be taken to bring about such a scheme. It was further stated that the population of “Lancaster, Mass.” was only 2,500, and that possibly the citizens of some other “Lancaster” in America might also be invited to become guests of the Corporation, as suggested.
Resolved – That the Town Clerk be instructed to communicate with the Town Clerk of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, stating that the Corporation are prepared to welcome and arrange for the entertainment of citizens of their town who are serving in the American Army or Navy, whilst on leave from hospital or from the firing line.

Tramways Committee - 31st July 1918

Lady Conductors
The Committee considered the question as to the appointment of Lady Conductors on the cars.
Resolved – That authority be given to the Chairman to make the necessary arrangements for the appointment of Lady Conductors.

Recreation Grounds Sub Committee - 25th July 1918

Use of Field – Saturday Afternoons

It was agreed that that an exclusive tenancy of Giant Axe Field be offered to the National Projectile Factory Lancaster Social and Athletic Club and the Caton Engineering Football Club, for £35 for the football season, from September to Easter.

Tramways Committee - 17th September 1918

Uniform – Lady Conductors
Resolved – That the question as to the provision of a suitable uniform for lady conductors on the cars be left in the hands of the Chairman and Councillor Nuttall, with power to deal therewith.

Marsh District – Memorial re Bus.

The Committee considered a memorial with respect to the running of the a bus from the Spion Kop district to the National Projectile Factory, and the Chairman reported that arrangements could be made for such a service at the times required.
Resolved – That the necessary arrangements be made for such service; the fare to be 2d all the way.

Marsh Park and Cemeteries Committee - 17th September 1918

Wooden Memorials

Referring to Minute No. 1519 a further communication from the War Department, stating that the crosses were made of elm or similar wood, and painted white with black lettering, was submitted, asking that the necessary permission for the erection of such crosses by granted.
Resolved – That the necessary permission be granted for the erection of wooden memorials over the graves of soldiers by the War Department, in accordance with the specifications now submitted.

Properties Committee - 18th September 1918

Old Town Hall
Referring to Minute No 1531, The Town Clerk reported that the Ministry of National Service had now ceased to occupy the Old Town Hall, and that a claim for the sum of £100 had been submitted in accordance with the agreement. The Acting Surveyor further reported that the had been in communication with HM Office of Works with respect to the above-mentioned matter, and it was suggested that HM Office of Works might be prepared to recommend an additional payment in respect of the provision of the new heating apparatus in the building.

Meeting of Council - 25th September 1918

Mayor’s Communications

War Trophies – Presentation of.

Correspondence was submitted from Major Rome and the War Office Trophies Committee, stating that at the wish of the Officer Commanding the 55th Battalion Machine Gun Corps and the 8th Battalion, King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, two German machine guns and a Granatenwefer, which had been captured by the respective battalions, were offered to the Lancaster Corporation as War Trophies.

Resolved – That the Mayor be instructed to communicate with Major Rome and the Secretary of the War Trophies Committee, thanking them for their kindness and accepting the same on behalf of the Corporation.

New Enlistments and Allowances Committee - 26th September 1918

Deaths on Service
Resolved – That in the following cases the allowance be continued to the dependents for the period specified:-
2nd Lieutenant Pinch, Teacher, A second period of 13 weeks.
Sergeant R W Kirkbride, Teacher, 13 weeks after the death.

Watch Committee - 14th October 1918

National Projectile Factory – Police

The Committee considered application from the Management of the National Projectile Factory for the provision of six members of the Police Force who would act as Policemen at the Factory on similar lines to the arrangement already in force with the Caton Engineering Company, Ltd.

The Chief Constable reported that, if such application as agreed to, it would be necessary to appoint an additional member of Supernumerary Constables.
Resolved – That the Chief Constable be instructed to make the necessary arrangements for the policing of the National Projectile Factory on the lines indicated above, and that he be authorised to appoint seven Supernumerary Constables.

Town Hall Committee - 21st October 1918

Ashton Hall – Lettings
Resolved – That the following lettings for the Ashton Hall be granted, upon payment of the usual fees:
2nd November – Caton Engineering Football Club, for a dance.
12th November (Free of charge) – The Lord Lieutenant for Presentation of Medals
16th November – White Cross Mills Entertainment Committee, for a Whist Drive and Dance.
Further resolved – That the use of the Ashton Hall, etc, be granted (free of charge) to the Caton Engineering Football Club on 7th December for a Dance; the whole of the proceeds to be devoted to the King’s Own Comforts Fund, provided that the tickets for such dance be sold at not less than 2s 6d.



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