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Corporation of Lancaster Council Meeting Minutes

During the First World War Lancaster Corporation had to discuss and agree many matters relating to the First World War and it's impact on the Borough.  These are extracts of relevant information from the Corporation's Minute Books.

Extracts from Minutes October 1915 to October 1916


Tramways Committee - 26th October 1915

The Town Clerk submitted correspondence from the Caton Engineering Co. and Vickers Ltd., stating that Mr. Ferguson and Mr J W Kerney would represent the joint firms at a Conference with the Sub-Committee; it was further reported that the Morecambe Corporation desired to interview the Sub-Committee, and the following Morecambe Representatives attended at the Town hall and were invited to be present at the meeting:-
The Mayor, Alderman Snowden, Councillors Askew and West and the Town Clerk.

Messrs. Ferguson and Kerney attended and gave particulars as to (1) the number of workpeople likely to be employed at the factories on Caton Road, (2) hours of labour, and (3) the particular parts of the town and district in which such workpeople would be expected to reside. After the representatives of the firms had left the meeting, the Sub-Committee discussed with the Morecambe representatives the question as to making a joint application for the running of Motor Buses between the Boroughs of Morecambe and Lancaster, and consideration of the whole question was referred to the Tramways Committee.

Tramways Committee - 28th October 1915

The Town Clerk submitted a letter from the Local Government Board with respect to Motor Buses, from which it appeared that the Board would be willing to consider an application in the case of Lancaster for a Provisional Order to extend the provisions of the Lancaster Corporation Act, 1900, so as to permit the Corporation to run Motor Buses in addition to the Tram Services.

The Chairman and Town Clerk also reported as to an interview with the representatives of Vickers Limited as to the number of workers likely to be employed at the new works in Caton Road and other matters connected therewith.
After considerable discussion it was
Resolved – That the Council be recommended to pass the necessary resolutions with a view to an application being made to the Local Government Board for a Provisional Order authorising the purchase and running of Motor Buses in the Borough.

Streets Committee - 15th November 1915

Re-Naming Germany Street

Read letter from Mr W Hewitson, of Bury, suggesting that, in view of National complications, the name of Germany Street should be altered.
Resolved – That the consideration of the matters be deferred until next month.

Motor Buses and Roads
The Borough Surveyor reported that in view of the Council’s application to the Local Government Board for a Provisional Order to run Motor Buses, he was of opinion that electrically driven buses would cause less damage to the surface of the roads than those driven by petrol.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 15th November 1915

Giant Axe Field
The Chairman reported that he had granted permission to soldiers at the Drill Hall to use the Giant Axe Field on three occasions.

Gas Committee - 15th November 1915

Letter from the Minister of Munitions

A letter was read from the Ministry of Munitions stating that the Ministry direct that in view of the National importance of obtaining the largest possible amount of Toluol for the manufacture of high explosives, they have communicated with all the Gas Undertakings in the Country, asking them to consider the adoption of a new process for washing coal with tar in order to increase the Toluol contents of the tar.

The Engineer, subject to the approval of the Committee, had expressed his willingness to assist the Ministry by visiting a number of Gas Undertakings in Westmorland and the Northern portion of Lancashire, in order to explain to them how their Works may most easily be adapted for working the process, and how the best results may be obtained.

Resolved – That permission be granted to Mr Armitage to undertake the work referred to at the request of the Government.


Read a letter fro Mr J. W. Kerney, asking that the Committee would rent the Pothouses, when re-constructed, to Vickers Ltd., for a term of three years, and the matter was referred to the Pothouses Sub-Committee with a view to their dealing therewith.

Meters and Stoves

A further letter was read from Mr. Kerney, pointing out that in about two months time to or three hundred empty houses would be occupied by Munition Workers, such houses requiring meters and probably stoves; and the Engineer was instructed thereon.

Water Committee - 17th November 1915

Application for Supply
The Water Engineer reported as to an application for a supply of water for the National Filling Factory, at the works to be opened near White Lund, the supply required being estimated at 350,000 gallons per day. The Engineer also recommended that the supply should be by a meter, to be fixed in the Morecambe Meter Chamber, Cross Hill.
Resolved – That the Engineer be authorised to arrange for the supply, as suggested, upon the usual terms.

Extension of Supply, Etc.

The Chairman brought before the Committee the question as to extending the water supply, the necessity therefore arising mainly through the requirements of the Munitions Factories, and also the large number of people coming to the Borough in connection with such Factories.

The plans prepared by the Water Engineer for dealing with the matter were also submitted, such scheme including the utilisation of the existing Abbeystead Reservoir with the provision of an 18 inch main from the Abbeystead Reservoir to Brunton House. The scheme also provided for the installation of four new Filters at the Filter House in Scotforth Road, accommodation therefore having been made when the original plant was put down.

The Engineer estimated that the increased consumption of water during the next Summer would amount to approximately 750,000 gallons per day, and that the present supply and storage were quite inadequate to meet the increased demand. The estimated cost of the scheme amounted to £66,000, but, in order to cover various contingencies which might arise, it was recommended that the amount required should be enlarged to £80,000.

After fully discussing the matter, it was agreed that the further consideration be adjourned to a meeting to be held at 11-30 tomorrow morning.

18th November 1915

New Main, etc.

The Committee met as arranged and further considered the scheme referred to in the previous minute. After careful consideration, it was resolved as follows:-

1) That the Scheme be approved as submitted.
2) That the Government Departments concerned be asked to state I what manner they are prepared to facilitate and financially assist the carrying out of the scheme.
3) That the matter be laid before the Finance Committee at its meeting on Friday.
4) That the Mayor be asked to call the Council in Committee to pass the scheme, prior to the ordinary meeting on the 24th instant.

Council Meeting - 24th November 1915

Royal Mint - Copper

A letter dated 18th instant was read from the Deputy Master and Controller of the Royal Mint from which it appeared that, in consequence of the altogether exceptional demand for silver coin for use in connection with payments arising out of the war, to which demand it was essential that priority should be given, it would not be possible to issue bronze coin to anything like the usual extent at this period of the year and suggesting that the Council should arrange for the clearance of their automatic gas meters at more frequent intervals than at present, with a view to the coin being returned into active circulation as speedily as possible.

Resolved – That the matter be referred to the Gas Committee with a view to their dealing therewith.

Council in Committee - 23rd November 1915

Lieutenant Forshaw VC
The Mayor reported that he had arranged for the presentation of the Address, by himself and the Town Clerk, on behalf of the Corporation, to Lieutenant Forshaw, VC, at a Concert in aid of the Mayoress’ Comfort Fund, to be held tomorrow evening, at the Town Hall.

Lieutenant Leach VC
The Mayor further reported that Lieutenant Leach, VC, would be able to attend at Lancaster early in January, and that he arrangements in connection with his visit were under consideration.

Urban and Port Sanitary Committee - 10th December 1915

The Medical Officer reported that several nursing mothers were likely to be employed on munition work, etc., their children being put out to nurse, in some cases, among undesirable surroundings.
Resolved – That the matter be referred to the Maternity and Child Welfare Sub-Committee

Sanitary Inspector’s Report Notices:

Resolved – That notices be served upon the owners (or occupiers) as the case may be, for abatement of nuisances existing upon the under-mentioned premises:-
Yard Pavement – Drill Hall, Phoenix Street, (flag or concrete yard)
Miscellaneous – Drill Hall, Phoenix Street (flushing apparatus required for urinal in yard).

Streets Committee - 13th December 1915

Germany Street
The Committee considered the question as to the re-naming the above.
Resolved – That the Council be recommended to re-name Germany Street, Bulk Road.

Gas Committee - 13th December 1915

An application was received from Storey Brothers and Co. Ltd, for a temporary supply of gas for munition purposes, Mr Isaac Storey, having agreed to pay the whole of the cost.

Cookers and Meters

Correspondence between the Engineer and Vickers Ltd. was read, in which Messrs Vickers stated that the Government would not allow them to pay for the meters and stoves put into the houses of their employees.
Resolved – That the Chairman be requested to make enquiries regarding the matter from the Government Departments concerned, and report at the next meeting.

Meters – National Projectile Factory
The Engineers reported that the above would be paid for by Vickers Ltd.

Motor Buses and Tramway Track Extension Sub-Committee - 1st December 1915

It was reported that an Inspector of the Local Government Board would hold a Public Inquiry at the Town Hall, Lancaster, on the 9th December at 10 a.m. with respect to the application for the issue of a Provisional Order to authorise the purchase and running Motor Buses through the Borough, and that it would probably be necessary to put forward at such Inquiry the approximate number of Buses required.

Tramways Committee - 14th December 1915

Local Government Inquiry – Motor Buses

The Town Clerk reported that at the Local Government Inquiry held on Thursday 9th December, the County Council had appeared to oppose the application of the Corporation for power to run Motor Buses in the Borough, and arising thereout, a suggestion had been made (to which the Local Government Board Inspector agreed) that Representatives of the Corporation and the County Council should meet at an early date with a view to coming to some arrangements with respect to the running of Motor Buses over the Main Roads in the Borough.

Electricity Committee - 14th December 1915

Service – National Projectile Factory
It was reported that the above was now connected up, and the Factory was using Electricity.

Properties Management Sub-Committee - 8th December 1915

Recruiting Station, Old Town Hall
Read letter from Major Bundock, to the effect that he would make application for the allowance for fuel and light in respect of the above.

Storey Institute Committee - 15th December 1915

Books for Troops
A letter was read from the Board of Education asking for books for Troops, and the Librarian was instructed to see what can be spared.

Water Committee - 15th December 1915

The Engineer reported that several wagons belonging to the Committee were being used by Contractors at the new Munition Works.
Resolved – That a charge be made for the use of such wagons at the rate of 10/- per wagon per month, the wagons to be returned clean, painted, and in good order, when done with.

Council in Committee - 22nd December 1915

The Council met in Committee to consider the question as to the Reception of Lieutenant Leach VC in connection with his visit on the 26th January 1916 and the Town Clerk submitted correspondence with the Local Government Board on the subject.

After considerable discussion it was agreed as follows:-
1) To proceed with the presentation of an Address on similar terms to the presentation to Lieutenant Forshaw, VC.
2) That the question as to any further recognition of Lancastrians serving at the Front be deferred until the end of the War. (This second clause was deleted at the meeting of the Town Council).

Tramways Committee - 22nd December 1915

Filling Factory – White Lund
The Borough Surveyor submitted and read correspondence with Vickers Ltd., with respect to the transport of Munition Workers at the above Works.

Streets Committee - 11th January 1916

Caton Road Improvement – Midland Railway Company

The Borough Surveyor submitted correspondence and reported as to interviews the Chairman and he had had with a Representative of the Midland Railway Company, from which it appeared that, owing to the establishment of the new Munition Factories, it was absolutely essential that the Company should have increased siding accommodation at Ladies’ Walks, and that the matter was most urgent from every point of view.

The Surveyor then fully explained that arising out of the requirements for further siding accommodation it had been necessary to remodel the scheme tentatively agreed to between the Railway Company and the Corporation with respect to Ladies’ Walks and the adjoining land.

Under the revised scheme the Corporation will by way of exchange with the Company, in addition to obtaining all the land required for the construction of the new road, retain or acquire 1½ acres of land on the site of the existing store yard at present occupied by the Corporation under the Company, instead of 1¼ acres of land at the Wagon Works end of the new road as provided for under the original scheme.

Reception Committee – Lieutenant Leach VC - 14th January 1916

The Committee met and made arrangements for the presentation of the address to Lieutenant Leach VC, on the 26th January, and instructed the Town Clerk thereon.

Plans and Projections Sub-Committee - 17th January 1916

The Sub-Committee met, and examined the Builders’ Plans prior to the same being laid before the Streets Committee:
Resolved – That the following Plans be recommended for approval so far as the Bye-Laws of the Corporation are concerned:-
Offices, Garages, etc, Caton Road, for Vickers Ltd.

Tramways Committee  - 18th January 1916

Filling Factory – White Lund

A letter from the Town Clerk of Morecambe, forwarding copy of correspondence with Vickers Ltd., was submitted and read, from which it appeared that Morecambe Council considered it essential that a railway platform should be place at the above factory for the use of the workpeople, and requesting the Lancaster Council to support their request for such platform.

Resolved – That the Council be recommended to support such request, subject to the railway being connected with Lancaster as well as Morecambe.

Council Meeting - 26th January 1916

Presentation of Address to Lieutenant Leach VC by the Mayor, Councillor William Briggs, 26th January 1916.
Accession Number: LM74-26-2b (Lancaster City Museum Collection).

Presentation of Address
Lieutenant Leach VC

Lieutenant and Mrs Leach, and other Ladies and Gentlemen invited upon the instructions of the Committee appointed by the Council to make the necessary arrangements, were present, and the Mayor presented to Lieutenant Leach VC an address of welcome and congratulation on behalf of the Town Council for the Borough; the address being read by the Town Council.

Council Meeting - 9th February 1916

Military Service Act 1916

The Town Clerk submitted and read a Report on the Military Service Act, 1916, and the Regulations for the constitutions of Local Tribunals thereunder, and, after considerable discussion, the following resolutions were passed:-

The Mayor (Mr Councillor Briggs), the Deputy Mayor (Mr Councillor Seward), Mr Alderham Wilson, Mr Richard Smith and Mr A B S Welsh (Members of the existing Tribunal) be appointed Members of the Local Tribunal to be established under the new Act.

That the number of members for the new Tribunal be fixed at seven.

That Mr James Hodkinson be appointed as the Representative of Labour on the new Tribunal.

Mr J W Gorrill and Mr Councillor Wilkinson having been nominated to serve on the new Tribunal, a ballot took place, as the result of which the Mayor declared that Mr Councillor Wilkinson was duly elected a Member of the new Tribunal.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 21st February 1916

Giant Axe Field – Applications

A letter was read from the Commanding Officer of the 1st Cadet Battalion, The King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment applying for the use of the above field for Drill and Exercise purposes on two evenings per week and occasional Saturday afternoons, providing such use of field doe not interfere with other lettings.
Resolved – That the above application be granted.

Gas Committee - 21st February 1916

Gas Supply – White Lund

A letter was read from Vickers Ltd., asking for the supply of 820,000 cubic feet of gas per week to the above factory, and it was
Resolved – That the matter be left in the hands of the Sub-Committee to consist of the Chairman, the Mayor, Councillors Seward and Roberts, with power to deal therewith.

Motor Bus etc. Sub-Committee

Filling Factory – White Lund

A letter was read from Vickers Limited, together with a copy of letter went by them to the Town Clerk of Morecambe, from which it was understood that, although there is no objection to the erection of a platform at White Lund, it is not possible, on the part of the Midland Railway Company, to run trains, owing to shortage of plant and depletion of staff. It also appeared that the Morecambe Property Owners’ Association had formed a Committee with a view to a representation being brought before the Morecambe Corporation showing the desirability of connecting the Factory directly to the West End of Morecambe by making what is now an occupation road into a highway.

Electricity Committee - 22nd February 1916

Service to National Projectile Factory

Referring to an earlier minute. The Chairman reported as to correspondence which had taken place with the Ministry of Munitions as to a further supply of Electricity to the above Factory, in which it was stated that we are now operating under War conditions are an interruption of power may have to be faced, but that the cable to the Factory will be laid free of charge to the Corporation, and a reasonable charge will be paid for the current, such charge to be arranged later.

Water Committee - 23rd February 1916

Water Supply – National Filling Factory

The Engineer submitted correspondence with Vickers Limited and the Morecambe Corporation regarding the supply of water from the Lancaster Corporation Mains at Cross Hill in connection with the National Filling Factory.
Resolved – That this Committee is prepared to grant a supply by meter at Cross Hill to Vickers Limited, on behalf of the Ministry of Munitions, on the usual terms and at such times as water may be available for the proposed supply without jeopardising the ordinary supply to the Town and District.

Finance and Parliamentary Committee - 25th February 1916

German Contracts

A letter was read respecting the above, and after discussion, it was
Resolved – That no contracts shall be entered into with German or Austrian firms.

Council Meeting - 29th March 1916

Lancaster Castle – Prison
The Mayor Informed the Council that he had heard unofficially that the Government propose to close Lancaster Castle as a Prison.

Watch Committee - 6th April 1916

Lancaster Castle

Further to the early minute, a Memorial was sent to the Right Honourable Herbert Samuel MP, His Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Home Department, which included the following:

3) Lancaster Castle has been a prison for over 500 years, and serves and is the centre of a large district. The town of Lancaster and its population and trade are rapidly increasing. Three large Government works are being set up in and near the area of Your Memorialists by the Caton Engineers Company, The National Projectile Company, and the National Filling Company, and practically every available house in the Borough has been secured and all the lodging accommodation bespoken. The increase in population will amount to several thousands.

4) In the adjoining Borough of Morecambe for which this is the Prison, the population is also increasing immensely, every available house and all lodging accommodation having been taken for the expected influx of workers.

7)….. The present Lancaster Police Force is understaffed in consequence of thirteen men being called to the Colours and much difficulty is experienced in finding suitable temporary men.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 17th April 1916

Giant Axe Field

The Chairman reported that he had let the above field to the Grooms from the Remount Department for a further football match.
Resolved – That the action of the Chairman be approved.

Town Hall Committee - 17th April 1916

Ashton Hall

An application was submitted from the Officer Commanding the 10th Battalion, King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment for the use of the Ashton Hall for a Concert, the proceeds of which to be used for charitable purposes.

Resolved – That the matter be left in the hands of the Mayor with power to deal therewith.

Properties Committee - 19th April 1916

Hut For Female Munition Workers

Referring to an earlier minute, it was reported that the Committee formed to deal with the erection of the above had come to an arrangement with Mr Kirkbride regarding the site occupied by him on China Street, Mr Kirkbride having agreed to take over the site on the opposite side of the street in lieu thereof.

Water Committee - 19th April 1916

Water Supply – National Filling Factory

Correspondence as to the above was read, and instructions issued thereon.

Air Raids and Reservoirs

The Engineer submitted correspondence with the Local Government Board regarding the prevention of damage to Reservoirs by Aircraft.

Electricity Committee - 9th March 1916

Service to National Projectile Factory
It was reported that Vickers Ltd., were now taking a large quantity of current over the new cable laid along the Canal Banks.
Resolved – That it be left to the Chairman to interview Vickers Ltd., regarding the price to be paid for this current, and report to the Committee.

Finance and Parliamentary Committee - 20th March 1916

Military Services Act – Local Tribunal

The Town Clerk reported that he had been appointed as Clerk to the Local Tribunal under the Military Service Act.
Resolved – That he be authorised to undertake such appointment.

Urban and Port Sanitary Committee - 19th May 1916

Black Smoke

It was reported that complaints had been received about the nuisance arising from the emission of black smoke from the Electricity Works chimney, but it was explained that the nuisance would only be of a temporary nature it being on account of the extra amount of current required by the Munition Works.

Special Council Meeting - 14th June 1916

Death of the Rt. Hon. Earl Kitchener of Khartoum

The Mayor announced the death of Earl Kitchener on the 5th June in the recent catastrophe to HMS Hampshire.

Moved by the Mayor, seconded by Mr Alderman Bowness, and resolved:-

That the Council desire to place on record the deep regret with which they have received the announcement of the death of the Rt. Hon. Earl Kitchener of Khartoum, the Town Clerk being instructed to convey to his relatives the sincere sympathy of the Council in their sad bereavement.

National Filling Factory – Medical Officer

The Mayor submitted and read a letter from Vickers Ltd., requesting that the Medical Officer of Health (Dr J D Buchanan) be allowed to undertaken a periodic examination of the employees, who would be subject to the handling of chemicals, at the above factory.

Resolved – That Dr J D Buchanan be allowed to undertake the periodic examination of the employees of the National Filling Factory, who will, in the course of their employment, be subjected to the handling of chemicals.

Gas Committee - 19th June 1916

Gas Supply – Canteen, National Projectile Factory
The Gas Engineer reported as to the negotiations which were proceeding with Messrs. Vickers for the supply of Gas and Apparatus to the Canteen of the National Filing Factory.
Resolved – That the action be approved.

Council Meeting - 28th June 1916

Mayor’s Communications
National Projectile Factory

Read the following letter from Messrs. Vickers Limited:-
Naval Construction Works
19th June 1916

The Worshipful
The Mayor of Lancaster
William Briggs Esq.
Town Hall

Sir –
The National Projectile Factory having now reached the stage of production, and the National Filling Factory being on the eve of starting operations, the moment appears to us opportune to formally tender to you, as Mayor and Civic Chief of the Town, our gratitude for the earnest attention which you and your Council have given to the many problems which have arisen out of the establishment of these very important factories.

But for the help so carefully and patriotically rendered to us by all concerned in the Corporation, the urgent requirements of the Minister of Munitions in this critical period of the Empire’s history could not have been fulfilled in such a complete degree as has actually been done.

To yourself personally, we take this opportunity of conveying our thanks, and we propose to mark our appreciation of the happy relations which , with your guidance, have been established between the Corporation and its Officers and the Directors and Staff of the Vickers Co. by asking you to accept for the Town Hall an Album of Photographs of the Naval productions of the Company at Barrow. It is our hope that this may be regarded as evidence of the very close intimacy now existing between the Vickers Company and the Corporation of Lancaster, an intimacy which we hope will grow in cordiality and be of long duration.

We have the honour to be,
Your obedient Servants,
For Vickers Limited,
C D Miller, Director.


Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 17th July 1916

Giant Axe Field – Remount Depot

The Borough Surveyor reported that he had made a claim of £40 for damage to the Giant Axe Field by the exercising of horses from the Remount Depot and that the Military had agreed to pay such claim.

Gas Committee - 17th July 1916

Letter from the Ministry of Munitions

Read letter from the Ministry of Munitions asking that the Gas should be washed with Oil to extract all Toloul and Benzol.
Resolved- That the Engineer be authorised to adopt some form of Oil Washing and Oils Stills for the extraction as desired.

Canteen – National Projectile Factory

The Engineer reported that he had secured the order for all cooking apparatus and the fitting up of the Canteen at the National Projectile Factory with gas.

Town Hall Committee - 4th September 1916


The Mayor reported that he had let the Ashton hall on the 19th August for a Concert in aid of the child of Mrs Mary Ellen Clarkson who met with an accidental death in July last at the National Projectile Factory.
Resolved – That no charge be made for the use of the Hall.

An application was submitted from the Committee of the National Projectile Benevolent Fund for a reduction in the charge for the Ashton Hall in respect to a Ball held by them on the 2nd September.
Resolved – That no reduction be made.

Baths and Recreation Grounds Committee - 18th September 1916

Giant Axe Field – Lettings
An application was submitted from the National Projectile Factory for the use of the Giant Axe Field on Saturday, 23rd September, for a football match.
Resolved – That the application be granted on payment of 15 per cent on the gross takings, or a minimum of £1.

Applications were also submitted from the National Projectile Factory and Munition Workers for the use of the Giant Axe Field during the football season.
Resolved – That the applications be referred to the Recreation Grounds Sub-Committee, with power to deal.

Recreation Grounds Sub Committee - 5th October 1916

Giant Axe Field
Referring to an earlier minute, the application from the National Projectile Factory Football Club was further considered.

Resolved – That the Giant Axe Field be let to the National Projectile Factory Football Club for use by them on all Saturdays from and including 7th October and up to and to include Good Friday next at a rental of £20, subject to conditions now decided upon, and agreement embodying such terms and conditions to be prepared and completed.

Mr Wilkinson, the Secretary of the Club, attended before the Sub-Committee and on behalf of the Club agreed to accept the tenancy on the above terms.


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